From SCAHPERD Constitution Committee

Notice to SCAHPERD Membership

The SCAHPERD Constitution Committee invites any SCAHPERD member to suggest changes for the SCAHPERD Constitution or By-Laws. You can “log in” to access the 2023 documents as approved on November 13, 2022, at SCAHPERD Constitution By-Laws – 2023 on the SCAHPERD website under “About Us” and “Current Year’s Documents”.

When submitting your recommendation, please indicate the Article number, Section number, and Section letter to which your suggestions apply. Also indicate if they are for the Constitution or the By-Laws.

Your recommendations will be reviewed by the Constitution Committee and forwarded to the SCAHPERD Board of Directors. If approved by the Board of Directors, the changes will then be presented to the entire membership at the annual meeting on November 19, 2023, for approval.

You may send any questions regarding the SCAHPERD Constitution and By-Laws to the Constitution Committee Chair.

Please send any suggestions for changes to the SCAHPERD Constitution Committee Chair no later than May 21, 2023.

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